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Writer's pictureKurapa Moyo

Alternative & Holistic Health Interview with Anele M.

Image Source: @nelzie101 via X

How do you want people to best know you? 

As the embodiment of love and peace, I try to bring peace and give love to everyone I come across & everywhere I go. 

What inspired your journey to holistic health? 

I’ve always been into health and wellness from a very young age. I got diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was around 12 years old, nothing the dermatologist gave me worked so I went deeper into alternative and ayurvedic methods to try & calm it down. I managed to make products that have assisted me and I haven’t had a flare up for the past 11 years.

Why is it important for people to incorporate holistic wellness into their lives? 

It’s important to incorporate holistic wellness as it makes life simpler and easier to navigate. It helps you avoid plus deal with illnesses as well as common diseases.

In what particular ways have you seen alternative medicine to be most beneficial to women? 

I think from the reviews that my clients have had. Most have been able to cure illnesses that were deemed incurable medically and the most beautiful have been those who are unable to conceive finally being able to fall pregnant & deliver healthy babies.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to start exploring alternative health? What best ways can they start slowly introducing it into their lives? 

Do tons of research and especially when going into herbalism, know the dosages and which herbs to use at what time plus what to avoid when using that particular herb. You can have too much of a good thing. They can start with teas, sea moss gel, powder blends and pills then slowly adjust their lifestyle accordingly so they won’t be overwhelmed.

Do you have anything you believe we should all know about holistic health? 

I believe that healing and living a balanced life is a 360° thing. Everything starts internally and reflects in our external world (the physical body and space).

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